Promoting and Supporting Under-recognised Artists

Promoting and Supporting Under-recognised Artists

A talent hunt is a great way to recognise and reward under-rated dancers. It gives the dancers the opportunity to shine and get recognised for their talent, as well as provides an incentive for other dancers who may not be as talented but still want to represent their passion. Dancers who take part in a talent hunt will learn more about themselves, their dancing, and what it takes to be successful in this competitive environment. They will also experience some of the pressure that comes with performing in front of thousands of people at an event such as this. 3TVibe creates an atmosphere with its biggest talent hunt where it brings underrated artists on a single platform and give them guaranteed opportunities with prestigious brands and labels.

Dancers who have been under-recognised by the industry and are not able to make enough money, 3TVibe is an initiative to recognise and encourage such talented dancers. 3TVibe is a talent hunt where dancers showcase their skills, talents and experiences and aims at promoting dance artists in the industry with a view to advancing diversity and widening the scope of the art form. The purpose of this project is to provide exposure to different dance forms and styles in an organised manner. In addition, it will also help build awareness among audience about the art form as well as encourage people to take interest in it.

3TVibe provides opportunities to dancers at various levels of experience, who have not achieved success in their career yet due to lack of exposure or recognition from other stakeholders within the industry. This project aims at providing opportunities for these dancers so that they can showcase their skills and talents on this platform without any constraints or barriers facing them otherwise.

It is not enough to be a good dancer, you need to be recognised for your talent. The number of talent hunts organized in our country is ever-growing but we not just bring out the artists but also build portfolios for them to be easily approached along with expanding their social media reach. The participants doesn’t just receive worldwide recognition but also cash prizes worth 2 lakh rupees.

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